Wednesday January 11, 2005 - *****Keep in mind i made this a LONG
time ago. I'm surprised i still have it.
Tuesday September 28, 2004 - Here is the
Sub Profile.
march 17th, 2003:
friday - ** i am not gonna stop smokin cannabis. i have herd that your probation officer comes at the end of the month so
for the next after every time he comes, ill prolly be smokin 24/7. i doubt ill stop smokin cigs. now if there was something
worth quittin for, then i might...... but definantly wont quit the ganja, ill just consider the bud a special treat when ever
i do smoke.
yesterday, mom tells me
that something went wrong with the test or something was wrong with the uren.... but i didnt put any clorox in it..... i think
i passed and they want a retest..... i hope i did. anyway, i havent been arrested yet so looks good. after my test, i got
a new pair of headphones. wicked nice bass for a $10 pair. now today, mrs k. took my cd player and headphones because i was
listenin to them 8th period. she took my headphones, i reufued to give her my cdplayer cause i knew i wasnt gonna get them
back at the end of the day like she said i would. mom is waitting for amy now at school and i hope she got my stuff. i'd like
to listen to something in the morning.
march 11th, 2003: tuesday - yay, i got my first probation drug test tomarrow.......... and
i smoked a little budz yesterday too..... but thats ok, i got a 1 liter bottle of nestea mix (with about 5x the recomended
ammount of mix :)), a bottle with rasberry jellow ready to be mixed, and a little baggy of clorox.
march 8th, 2003: saturday - wow another big gap in the record. anyway, went to CT to meet heather
for the first time. to get there, we had to go through a storm. my mom and i left the house at 8:30 arriving near hartford at 3:00. it should of taken up to 4 hours but it takes alittle longer when your average speed is 35 mph. anyway, i asked her
to the prom and if she can make it, she'll be there. court was just as i expected it would be, except i get all my shit back
within the next week. hope probation dosnt come any time soon cause i just finnished the last of my stash today :). need to
get a new pack of cigs soon. need some fuckin money too. the boss went on a well deserved vacation for the next 2 weeks so
im fucked for money now.
february 21th, 2003: friday - omg, i got a pack of zig-zags 8 days ago and i've
still got like 13 left!!!! man im doin good hehe. anyway, im defiantly gonna quit weed this week, well actually, i techniquly
quit last week since i dont have any budz to burn :(. i was hoping to get some money for the vacation so i could smoke everyday
but that didnt happen lol. jeremy, u better have my money, or something else that is also green hehehe
february 16th, 2003: sunday - to barbaric beast, you fuckin scare me man, you also
piss me off. please dont talk to me again........ one, i could care less about your "web master" brother. two, if you wanted
to learn this shit, do it on your own, its fuckin hard to teach and explain. setting up a page takes hours, sometimes days,
and thats just the set up!! three, get a fuckin life if your gonna try to set up a website by your self useing codes cause
you'll never be able to.
february 14th, 2003: friday - happy valentines day!!! geez, its been a week since i last updated
my site/profile. anyway, today in pottery, i found my "vase" that kotwica supposedly "didnt know what happened to it" (we
made a deal earlier that if i wouldnt use it for any paraphernalia, he wouldnt break it). he broke it anyway
or was going to. brittney said he wanted to break it in front of me but when he was demonstrating to a teacher on how he was
gonna break it, lol he accidentally broke it. he was then gonna glue it and break it in front of me. a chick, im not sure
of her name (ill get it later), showed me where it was. she distracted kotwica long enough for me to put it in a box, then
run out the room where i put it in my bag in mr west's room (there was a sub in class so i just walked in). oh that period,
i went to mr west's thinkin it was 8th, but it was really 7th ;b. anyway, when i went back to the room, mr garret was waitin
for me at the door. he was like, where were you, i said i went to get a drink. i later told him i went to the vending machine
down the hall cause the one at the office was out of the drink i wanted.......... bad idea cause i have no clue if it was
out of stock. what really pisses me off is that the back stabbing lying sack of shit broke that deal. thats why i ran out
of the room (and i really wanted that piece too) hehe.
now wednesday night, i pierced my eyebrow again. last night i managed to get my hoop
in. it took 1 hour to get my second piercing in, and 3 hours to get the hoop in lol. today, i took out my first piercing cause
there was only like 3 mm of skin that was holding the bar/nail in. so im gonna let it heal then ill put in another. oh, the
second piercing i did my self. and the next one i will prolly do my self again. lol and it took me an hour for the second
pierceing cause i kept on fuckin up. i put like 4 extra holes into my face. hehe, i told somone my brain wasnt gettin enough
oxygen so it need the holes anyway.
february 7th, 2003: friday - omg, i woke up this morning feeling even worse than yesterday. my
fuckin throat hurts every time i cough, all the fuckin mucous in my lungs is cuttin off the oxygen to my body (my arms and
legs would tingle some times), my head is congested, and i have a hard time breathing (but its not as bad as you think). now
when you mix dayquil with 2 prescription drugs, you get light headed and cant walk straight..... yeah, weird shit happens
when you mix stuff together.
february 6th, 2003: thursday - last night i got back from another of my vacations (where i just
take off with out tellin anyone). went from monday night through wednesday afternoon. kyle called me up (yea were "better"
friends now) asked if i wanted to party and hide from the system, lol my bag i brought wit me was so fuckin heavy, everyone
though i packed my whole room! anyway, when we went to rome, i got my eyebrow pierced, played a few beer drinkin card
games, snuffed a little coke, went "shopping at a church", and played with 2 3 week old pit bulls. on tuesday night,
went to holland patent, my dad busted in on us and never even knocked, watched a movie, then slept. next morning, around
12, kyle's probation officer busted him, threatened me that the cops are lookin for me and im like, fuck you, the most they
can do is send me home. that impatient ass hole, i wanted to fuck him up soooo bad, however seein that he was like 5x my size,
i gave it a little thought. but man he pissed me off. went home around 2, still have a cold prolly from kim, slept the rest
of the day. got up this mornin around 10, put in 2 more safety pins, sterilized them, took a shower, got to use computer around
january 29th, 2003: wednesday - well i had some other information about monday but i guess it
got lost. anyway, got my full paycheck today, mom is gonna get my other paycheck. got a pack of smokes hurr raahh. oh
yeah, my "vase" i made in kotwicas i think was taken. i looked everywhere in his class. i think someone might of walked off
with it.
january 27th, 2003: monday - i got a temporary job at my dad's office. im filing papers and at
min wage (still gets money) im only workin there until all the papers are filed.
january 22nd, 2003: wednesday - i fuckin hate it when my mom picks up my pay check, you'd think
she's bein nice, but NOW WHERE THE FUCK AM I GONNA GET MY CIGS!?!?!? yeah, sorry to those who were expectin them. and now
i only got $15!! hope u guys bring in money tomarrow
january 20th, 2003: monday - i got one thing to ask, BATER, EMMONS, AND THOMPSON, WHERE THE FUCK
WERE YOU LAST NIGHT?! you three missed out on everything! dont worry, you wouldnt of remembered last night anyway, i sure
dont ;P
january 17th, 2003: friday - awesome, 3 day vacation!!! my plans, work tonight and get some bud
and a pack of zig-zags, tomarrow mall and movies, sunday party all night long!!! (that is if my ride pickes me up)
january 16th, 2003: thursday - to make this "online diary" more like one, i've started a date
log infront of what i write. some fuckin BIG things are changin in life. i've decide to quit smokin weed, a decision i WONT
back out of. ill quit the bud first and smoke cigs if i ever get a cravin for it (if any come up) and then i MIGHT quit cigs
after a while. mr delaposta (earth sci) (if spelled correctly) is a fuckin BITCH!!!! flipin shit on me for bein late for class
and then tryin to fuck me over with mr garret (v. principle). heh i had some cigs and hid them in my pants. stupid fucks,
like i said before you cant find shit even if it was right under your nose. haha lipic, we almost got screwed, well you did for
the most part lol.
ok people, its currently 12:53 AM, on January 14, 2003. i am pretty much done with the site and
anything i have to say in my profile will automatically be moved to this website. like i said before, i consider my profile
an online diary. everything typed is true and i have no reason to lie. i may leave things out for the safety of the people
around me and my self. anyway, earlier today lipic got fucked by garret and almost got caught wit some shit. oh speaking of,
dont ever believe one fucking word from that piece of shit bastard cause the chances of it being true are very very very low.
if he gives you names of people, make sure to get some proof of that (i.e. hear the person repeat what garret said), if he
dosnt give you names then be like, "well you dont have a reliable source that can prove anything so you can fuck off and leave
me the hell alone."
Sub-Profile 4
im thinkin of makin a web page for all this so people dont have to bounce around from profile to
profile (i think it will be done soon). i consider my profile an online diary. everything typed is true and i have no reason
to lie.
holy shit its been a while since i've written in this thing. tomarrow i start probation, scared
as fuck cause i had a little "happy time" last night. but i've been drinkin lots of water. after talkin wit some people, i
might not have to even piss in that fuckin cup after all.......... i sure as hell hope not. now about vacation.... stoned
most of the time. i think our bud here is better. but the shit down there, man i've never seen so many fuckin crystals and
mmmmmmm it smelled soooooo good!!!!! but northern bud got me high faster. for x-mas i got a wireless system (cordless guitar
cord (hooks up your guitar to amp w/o a wire)), digital guitar tuner, 5 shirts, 3 gift certificates, one of those micro remote
control cars, and money. new years i got ditched by my cousin and left to hang around the house which was really fuckin boring.
and the the day before i was to leave, i went to the park to smoke, saw it was full, went down a block, i asked this kid on
a scooter if he had any bud, went down 4 blocks, waited at the corner, kid came back wit about an 1/8, and i was happy the
rest of the vacation. the funny thing is that he was a random kid, and the first kid i asked if he had any green while i was
down there, guess that just shows the chances of finding a toker down there (really really good chance).
i went to lewis county expectin to get my shit back....... but noooooo, the ass holes had to give
me a "sentencing" date and thats feb. 21, which is also the day i get my book bag back.... ARGH!!! im soooooo fucking pissed!!!!
but hey, im still not on probation yet hehehe.
haha suckas, you gotta go to school tomarrow. while your in school sleepin, ill be in lewis county
listin to a jugde yappin his face off.
addin to rachael, dont do so much bitchin, like you flip out over EVERYTHING, literaly. you wonder
why people dont like you, its because your always yellin at them. you wonder why some people are such pricks to ya? well the
answer is right above. just thought you'd like to know to make your life a little better, hope you use it.
my court date is friday, 13th....... oh shit....... that isnt lucky........ fuck it, o well. wish
me luck cause i might need it
holy shit, i've used half of my cd-r's in like 5 days!!! (i had 50). i gotta stop burnin so many
of em. lol this december 4th shit is funnier than hell!! who the fuck is gonna shoot in a school when there are gonna be pigs
all over the area? dumb fucktards, if you really were gonna do that, you wouldnt of told anyone. but hey, its a reason not
to go to school............. awwwww fuck, the bastards are makin me go......... fuck, not i gotta deal with all those fucking
pigs too!!!! you ass hole, i hope you burn in hell for this shit (sound familiar?). hint: E
ugh, this really fuckin sucks cause now i got 4 sub-profiles!!! anyway, to rachael, sorry your
so confused about shit. like i said before, i have my moments........... which werent all that smart. but you gotta fuckin
lighten up a little....... calm yourself, dont fuckin flip out all the time, take a little time away from shit, use the time
you dont occupy. again, I AM SORRY for this shit. it was fun getting to know you tho ;-), i liked it..... hehehe
Sub-Profile 3
to flandrew, your doin better at that gettin in everyones face thing ;-) thx.
yeah!!! i
got my job back, goin there today and gettin a new pack of smokes, HURRR RAAH!! speaking of, ill list everything i lost thanks
to kyle: my parents trust, trust of other parents, chance of getting into a good college, a little reputation (but gained
more), my job, school time, chance of getting a good job later in life, chance of gettin out of jail if i fuck up again, MY
thanks giving fucking sucks, well, at least you can eat as much as you wanna plus there's the beer yummmmmm.
yeah, im here at my cousins house wit nothing to do. awesome, were goin.
heh, fuckin bastards finally gave in to me, they gonna let me get my job back again..... heh, i
remember when they used to bitch at me for not havin one
prospect teen thing authority figures are TOTAL ASS HOLES!!! dont go there unless u got a friend
with ya cause its really fucking boring. and dont go to the bull shit "message" cause if you say one word, you get in trouble.
haha, dumb ass school, you retards couldnt find jack shit even if it was right under your fuckin
noses!!!! anyway, yea i smoked during lunch, and after in the bathroom. hehe, almost got caught but they couldnt find anything
cause i passed my piece to the kid behind me and put my stash somewhere around my lower leg. oh and to steve, you are one
lucky bastard. your lucky you got what you got. just look at it this way, at least it isnt on your criminal record.
i just got Age Of Mythology (made by the same makers of Age Of Empires game and Empire Earth. AOM
sucks compared to its previous game, The Conquerors. The units are a hell of alot better than TC, but the game play SUCKS
ASS!! i honestly think EE would be better, and i dont even have that game.
halloween......... fuck i cant rember it....... hehe, naa, i can. it was quite nice, got blazed,
however, only 1 beer which pisses me off...... i can not beileve the ass holes that are around this shit pot. fuckin kevens
house, im thinkin everyone left cause of me.... damn bitches. keven was the only one cool about me bein there. eh, i guess
they cant deal with me. so fuck them and go to hell. mbk, sorry if i wasnt much fun. (added on): i dont even remember much
of that night so I cant really say much
after a little chat with flandrew42, i have a few things to say, dont be such a prick and get up
in everyones face about shit that doesnt concern you. instead, dont be so harsh if your gonna fuck with people, it really
pisses them off.
ahhh, being back in school is such a relief < i never thought i would ever say something like
that). after bein locked up and realizing i was one of the luckiest mother fuckers in the world (could of had 1 year in prision),
i have come to appreciate the little things in life and what it gives to people. yeah, i know your saying, thats the dumbest
thing ive herd from this shit head for a while. however, you havent been in my shoes yet. its like taking a walk down a 100
mile road with no shoes with pieces of broken bottles spread all over the place. then at the 40th mile, a helicopter picks
you up and takes you to the end.
this is to the best chick in flordia ;-)
Bill H P 86: ok u fucked ass hole, i know where you live, i know what you do, i know you fucked
Bill H P 86: now your fuckin gonna pay with you queer worthless life when i come down to flordia
Bill H P 86: you hurt her you bastard, you'll miss her, you'll regret you even met her
local561FL: fuck you my grandpa killed your family in vietnam war
local561FL: fuckin rice paddy daddy
Bill H P 86: heh, im south korean, we faught together you dumb shit
local561FL signed off at 12:38:42 AM.
-heather: a really good and old friend of mine
-local561FL: a gangly skinny retarted ass hole who
was goin out with heather (asked and broke up with heather)
this is gay, i was told i was gonna go to conifer park on monday, its now wednesday and i havent
herd from anyone. so untill i go, i might be goin back to school but i doubt they will accept me back.
Sub-Profile 2
its now been 1 week since i was thrown in jail and i think i will be gone for 2-4 weeks at a place
called conifer park. we arnt allowed to bring cd player or razors. hopefully they have a computer. from what i hear, its like
a summer camp for those who cant or need help cleanin up their lives. i have to go because my parents want me to go and i
have to follow probation which stats i have to participate in any activities my parents want me too or i go back to jail.
if i wanted to quit drinkin and drugs, i could if i wanted to, but i might try this anyway ;-). i doubt it will work but u
never know. i would also like to say im sorry to those who i have hurt in any way. it must suck knowin me now. i am trying
to clean up and this conifer park i guess is gonna help. im sorry for myself for even hangin around kyle. it was not worth
i would like to add a few things before i went to the hospital and what got me there.
on saturday morning, kim dropped me, kyle and his gay lover tim off at the school. kyle skated
for a while then we went into the school to skate. instead, we went through the lockers. we went through the whole high school
wing. found some clothes, calculators, and a shit load of pens and pencils. after that, we walked to the stadium/park while
kyle skated while tim and i kicked the hack around. we then went to watch the football game after we swallowed some muscle
relaxers (prescription neroxin). after the game, we were picked up by two of kyles friends and went to the mall. before we
went there, one of his friends bought a glass pipe. now walking through the mall trippin was a little difficult. thank god
there was a zumiez. after the mall, we met up with a group of kyles friends where nicole, kyle, and tim sniffed the muscle
realxers. that shit was bitter tastin when we swallowed. we then went to some other chicks house, sniffed some more pills
then we headed to the school again. there we started the drinkin. about 30 mins before i passed out, we were offered to go
to the bowling ally. kyle being a stupid shit head didnt wanna go........ WE SHOULD OF GONE!!!! anyway, ill add more if i
remember it.
i herd that the dance was a total blow. im sorry that these things suck. they should be alot better.
i would like to add that there should be more effects/lights. i would of gone to blaze but because of school fucking me over
like the law, i couldnt go. i might be back in like 2 weeks. hope to see u then. oh and to kyle, you just make yourself look
stupider sayin i got raped. one, we were never with each other, we've never even seen each other since saturday, and two,
we have never talked since then either. i will ruin your life for trying to pin everything on me. so much for callin you friend.
this is for you kyle:
For the ones who are listening!
All this time i called you friend
I wont be there for you again.
- Coal Chamber Friend
and another thing, what the hell is up with the school letting kyle back in? tell me thats not
fucked up. this really pisses me off. im sure it does to most of you too. and im sure most are pissed at me. i am trying to
turn around my life.
now because of all this shit, i lost my job, school kicked out which is bull shit because i didnt
do anything on school grounds except for skip, and probation forbids me to go anywhere or even talk on the phone w/o my parents
permition. i dont have my cd's because the police say theyre evidence and im stuck listenin to the radio. my parents picked
up my room therefore finding ALL of my smokin paraphernalia < hehe but they didnt find the rest of my weed....... :-).
Sub-Profile 1
if you wanna skip my past "history", just go to the profile with the highest number and you will
find the most recent parts of my hell. it continues on the bottom
this sucks, with IMBUM, you at least got an infinite amount of sub-profile space. but since thats
still down, i gotta do with this. since my sub-profile is full, i will have to make another.
SIGN MY FRIGGIN GUESTBOOK!!!!!!! say anything you wanna say, i dont give a shit.
jail was better than i would of thought, some mutha fucker tried touching me and i broke 2 of his
ribs, broke his arm, and the bastard needed 8 stitches in his face. that same guy said he raped kyle and my other cell mate
said he had to clean up kyles blood the next morning. before me and kyle got caught, little fucker was so drunk, he got his
dick sucked by another guy!! anyway, i got charged with possession of illegal marijuana, possession of a switchblade, possession
of a dagger, endangering a minor, being under the influence of alcohol, robbery in the 3rd degree, and one more, but i dont
remember it. anyway, all the shit about kyle is mentioned because in his statement he gave to the police, he tried to pin
EVERYTHING on me. i will kill that little bastard next time i see him. i underlined everything that he said was false, in
the wrong order, and everything he lied about. when i was done, more than half the page was blue. oh, when i went to the hospital,
they tried sticking some tube down my nose! nicole, who came in with me said she could hear me all the way down the hall!!
but, i thrashed around like a mutha fucka, swore like a mutha fucka at the nurses who tried to stick that shit down my nose
in the first place too. they gave me some charcoal turns out, i almost died. i dont remember who but someone said i stoped
breathing. i dont remember the next day cause they had me all doped up through an IV. oh, i went to the hospital around 8
on saturday. on monday, i woke up thinkin it was sunday. i didnt remember anything. when i was in jail, all that i did was
try to think of what happened.
its official, I HAVE GIVIN UP SMOKING <for a while. even though you may hear me talkin about
that shit, im still goin straight edge and even though i still may hang around with the stoners, im still drug and tobacco
free:-D. now even though im a little grounded, i can still do shit. just dont be an ass hole, dont fuck with me, dont rat
on ANYONE, and no one will get hurt.
i take back that soccer thing, im still disappointed about being kicked. the dance i herd really
sucked so im glad i didnt miss anything. u know what the school dances needs more of, free food so people dont have to spend
any money, games to keep the ones who are bored busy, and ANY REQUESTED AND UNCENSORED MUSIC should be played. today i got
out of iss and got a job the yesterday, thank god. i really need money. no i will not blow it ALL on weed, maybe a little........
but not all :-D.
just remembered to add that i got kicked off the soccer team, so fuck them and hope you lose every
game. oh, school fucked me over AGAIN, this time i got 3 days of iss and i couldnt go to the dance, instead, im here at home,
getting a lucky break and being allowed to use the computer. I WILL NEVER STOP SMOKEING, Y_O_U C_A_N_T M_A_K_E M_E !!!!!!!!!!!
ok, the skateboard is ok, but its a good beginners board, and good for those pros who break alot
of boards. school is goin alright now, trying to drop spanish cause the dumb bitch gives us detentions for not handing in
homework. lol brian m said to me, "wait till she talks to my mom..........." and if you know his mom, she can get mad very
easily. oh, and to all those who ratted on me, josh, and kyle, i will hunt you down and kill all you little ass holes.
awesome!! i got my first skateboard yesterday, got some trucks and wheels from emmons (thx man)
its an aluminum board made by YOCAHER, if you can pronounce that, tell me cause i have no idea how to, all i know is that
its german.
sorry if you people dont like my new style, but when you end up spending your whole summer around
the goths and punks, you kinda tend to..... change.
first day of school sucked, dont have any good friends in my classes. but, summer is over and there
is nothing we can do about it so suck it up and get it over with.
yeah, imbums sub profile is down i guess, i will copy my previous profile from it to here later.
If your gonna email me or IM me, please no spam.